Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hamster's Bleating

in scrib'ed space
the hamster spun
his wheel round

his foolish race
is never won
to reasons sound

And our haste
this lifelong run
to haggard hound

an empty space
until we're spun
into senility's round?

my hope's placed
on finding One
who being crowned

in love,
will break,
this wheel.


The View from Great Island said...


The View from Great Island said...

We're all over at your house tonight [Greg, Eliza, DG, Lauren, Michelle, Me (Adri)] but we miss you. Uncle Tim just showed us your poem and it's awesome. I especially love that last verse because it's so different from the rest, it catches your attention. I need to get the address for your blog so I can read it more often... Have an amazing Sabbath, restful yet challenging in the Lord. Hope we can see you soon, thank you for the poem!


Joel said...

Hey, that's awesome! I really like it :)