Now the month is closing.
I've written a lot of blogs this month -- this one will be #12. The rennaissance and reformation were conceived in the friction of darkness... you may read between the blogs.
My friends have brought so much to my life this month. Backpacking, outreach, awesome conversations, fun adventures. I only wish that I could be more like them: christ-like.
Studies are going ok -- no, not great. I've struggled to hold on to discipline and motivation: after a full year and a half of studying, focus sometimes drains away: I'm left feeling floating, knowing I'm sinking.
I've wrestled with God, failed Him, run with Him, gardened with Him, pled with Him, been angry at Him, told Him I loved Him, left Him, surrendered to Him. I wish I had done more with Him.
I think the Great Controversy has reached a crescendo on this campus. I've never been so hopeful and doubtful at once of the chances for an incredible revival on our campus. The people who read this blog will necessarily fall into two categories:
A) Off campus
B) On campus
Group A): Please pray for this campus. With everything you've got. There is explosive potential here -- with God's help, we could turn this world on its head.
Group B): We must work together. I get discouraged and insular by myself. Let's pray, talk, and work as a team. I'm tired of theory and postulation: let's make our own Acts story with God.
2024 Christmas Letter
1 month ago