Thursday, November 5, 2009


My tube of toothpaste has been running on empty. I can squeeze just enough out to brush my teeth with. Every time, 2-3 times a day, for the past 14 days.

About a week ago, I noticed that my tube seemed to inflate a little bit between uses. Now it inflates to a degree that would be difficult to miss. And I'm still getting just enough toothpaste out...

Maybe there are some paste-generating bacteria in there... that would explain the gas.

I hope so.


Ansley said...

John! Please buy some new toothpaste!

Heather said...

That is a fascinating thought...Someone should do a study on it.

Alex said...

Wow! do you really have a tube of bacteria that continuously generate tooth cleaning enzymes? maybe you should try to culture, package, and market them thus putting Colgate and Crest out of business.

Barry Howe said...

Keep it up John. I sense a discovery around the corner.

Kelsey said...

LOL... I hope that my floss starts regenerating. I'm running a bit low and I don't know where to get any more. ;-)