Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dum spiro spero

Morning, and stars
lay down their
aery chourse to
the universe.

There, see, night
lifts up his
fenestral latch to
the light.

Doubt, so thick,
dissolves with its
cheerless light to
the life.

Hope, heare again,
take up my
breath, til I hold
the morning.


Petraglyph said...

Cool poem. Are you the author? If so, good job! I not, good find! Pardon my ignorance, but what does fenestral mean?

Jonas said...

Wow! Are Paul and Petra back on Blogger? Hurrah!

Yes, I wrote it.

fenestra (pl.) =
Zoology: A transparent spot or marking, as on the wing of a moth or butterfly.
Architecture: A windowlike opening.
[source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/]

The View from Great Island said...

Its beautiful. I'm taking a deep inspiration from it. dad

Christy Joy said...

We talked last night about the content, which, by the way, I like more and more every time I read it. But I also really like the structure. For some reason, I really enjoy poems where the sentence is carried over multiple lines. I can rarely write poetry in that style, but you did it magnificently as well as weaving in one of my favorite topics.

Barry Howe said...

I shall return for additional readings. This is deeply and urgently beautiful