Monday, April 6, 2009


Most cells are regulated by a system of checkpoints which decide whether or not they can proceed through the cell division cycle. At one checkpoint, metazoan eukaryotic cells (the kind in your body) must prove that they have sufficient space around them (are not too enclosed by neighbors) before it can proceed through the cycle.

Cancer cells are the one notable exception to this. They ignore 'neighbor constraints' and push on to proliferate their own kind almost continuously. Our bodies suffer accordingly.

Am I a cancer cell in the body of Christ?


Jen said...

awesome picture!

Chopsticks on Oboe said...

Wow, interesting subject to ponder!

Kelsey said...

Hmm. Good thought. I think our natural tendency is to ignore our "neighbor constraints:" sin is like a cancer, but also like a virus taking control of the operating system of the cell and causing markers to appear outside the cell. I suppose that different "strains" of sin affect the cell differently.

Your post reminds me of 2 Corinthians 5:10-21, particularly that "the love of Christ constraineth us."