Saturday, December 12, 2009

My behavior changes around this time of the semester.

1. I wear a hat a lot. Even, and especially, in my room.
2. I like studying on the floor best.
3. Study physiology becomes eccentric: I usually like to kneel or sit in such a way that the top of my forhead nearly touches my notes, arms circling roundabout in a self-hug. This is the preferred posture for remembering biochemical pathways!
4. I spend more time staring at inanimate objects, like the trail-mix on my desk, or my pencil, or the light-switch.
5. I alternate between feelings of savage cheer and solemn haste.
6. I appreciate music more.

I wonder if my behavior is different because I know Jesus is returning soon? Oh Lord, give me the same sense of urgency and reality.

1 comment:

Christy Joy said...

I think your quirkyness is awesome, John.

haha! Savage cheer and solemn haste! Perfectly said!