Tuesday, December 18, 2007


We covered 26 chapters (almost 600 pages) of Biology this semester. Among them we covered the following important processes.

Cellular Respiration
Nucleic Acid Structure
DNA Replication
Mitosis and Meiosis
Simple and Complex Patterns of inheritance (genetics)

Here are some of my crazy Mnemonics. (brownie points to whoever can guess the identity of each one)

"Cool and Organized, Edward Mitchell Percy Really Has Got Running Characterized"
"Vert. Evolution = LeMoN"
"the AMC is TOO PeaCEaBle"
"Phannie Allen Leucy's Method Tripped Glistening Isoceles's Valor Proficiently"
"Seriously Thriving Asparagus Gluts"
"Argentines Historically Lie"

Happy trivia-- Which is more common? Ubiquitin or Rubisco? for extra credit, give function of each.

I wish you all, a hypertonic christmas, may you never feel crenated. Merry phago and pino cytosis.


The View from Great Island said...

I'd rather have an isotonic christmas if it is all the same to you, avoiding contraction or expansion ending up euvolemic and in homeostasis

Jonas said...

I understand: my pitiful anologies are about as elastic as chitin.

The View from Great Island said...

John, my understanding of cellular life is limited so can only speak from personal experience but here are some thoughts for fun : ). Just now our house is surrounded by abundant and lovely snow(lots more coming tonight and tomorrow), the air is fragrant with the smell of evergreens, and I have to believe that all the our body cells are singing for joy, beautiful sunshine also! The house also has some excellent food items just waiting for consumption, so come home, we will rejoice to see you : ). When I look at the pictures of all the phages moving around engulfing various things in those awesome National Geographic Books, it all seems most remarkable. We have some new fresh raspberry jam that I think you will like quite well!

Kelsey said...

It's the day after Christmas as I amble past this blog. For some reason, it's contents are sickeningly familiar, as if from another world I once knew (and was supposed to know in much greater detail)...
BTW, how much extra credit are you offering?