Sunday, October 14, 2007


Swim Time: 22:53 (Overall Swim rank: 211) (0.5 miles)

Bike Time: 58:50 (Overall Bike rank: 127) (18 miles)

Run Time: 30:43 (Overall Run rank: 41). (4 miles)

Overall Rank: 101.

My training was hopelessly inadequate, as studies took top priorities. I felt horrible in the run, but it was my best event. Strange.

I was so tired at the end that I had great difficulty balancing. I eventually got Joel to help me down to the edge of the lake where I spent the next 10 minutes attempting to collect my wits.

I hobbled up to the tent where they served various refreshments for the race participants. Gatorade didn't look especially appetizing, and neither did Panera's day-old bread. At last my tired gaze stumbled on a large bowl of sliced oranges, which I promptly decided were precisely what I felt like. As I ate, I found that I could lean on the table and eat oranges at the same time, which gratified me immensely. After creating a small mountain of orange peels, I noticed something or somebody was trying to communicate with me. I eventually ascertained that it was an elderly gentleman, and, complementing myself on the remarkable acuity with which I had made this observation, I reached for the next slice. Unfortunately, he was persistant, and eventually I began to trace connections between the way his mouth was moving, and various unrecognizable sounds he was making. Mustering my full intellectual powers, I eventually decided he was attempting to dissuade me from eating any more oranges, at which I uttered a guttural "ok" and gradually forced myself to walk away.


Grace said...

It sounds like you have accomplished quite a bit. I guess even in desperate times moderation still needs to be kept in mind.

Christy Joy said...

wow, i bet the oranges were tantalizing after all that. Thank you for your aptly worded description here. -it helps those of us who weren't there to be able to picture it :)

Jonathan Gerrans said...

hilarious john! :)
I would have been in much worse shape if I had done the whole thing. Good job man.

Barry Howe said...

Extremely funny
I am laughing

Paul said...

I wish I had some oranges. I've been living on Paw Paw's picked from the river bank and wild grapes collected from the AT.

Happily for us, I have other food and you have another year under the 20-24 age range.

Jan Robert (Robby) Heiberg said...

Congratulations John! Keep up the good exercise :)

Kristin said...

I must say that Barry's comment was my exact thought and my action :)